Price list valid in 2024

Additional information

  1. The check-in time is 1600, and the check-out time is 1000. Early arrival or departure must be arranged with the Resort Centre’s front desk.
  2. In the case of a one-day stay, an additional fee of PLN 100.00 for a double room, PLN 150.00 for a four-person room is added to the price of renting a house/room.
  3. We charge PLN 100.00/day for each additional person in the room
  4. The cost of the pet’s stay PLN 30.00 / day / not less than PLN 90.00 for stays up to 2 hotel nights.
  5. In the case of organized groups, it is possible to negotiate the price of accommodation.
  6. PAYMENT OF THE DEPOSIT is a confirmation of the reservation:
    – 40% for a week’s stay and longer
    – 60% for a weekend stay or up to 6 days.
  7. In case of resignation from arrival, the deposit is not returned.

Files to download

Below you will find the necessary files, regulations, and others.

Others on offer

Price list


Camping site



School groups

Occasional celebrations